Diagnosis: Witch – A true story of troubles and triumph

Joy Oloton

by Joy Oloton

Nigeria 1988 – 2003
In this book, I recount the horrific years of my childhood in Nigeria. At the tender age of four, my courageous mother embarked on a journey to Europe, driven by the aspiration of securing a brighter future for me and my younger brother, Blessing, who had just turned three years old. Little did we anticipate that it would be a staggering six years before we would see her again. Initially, she entrusted our care to our father, which seemed promising. However, one fateful Saturday, our lives took an unexpected turn when our aunt chose to take us into her household, alongside her four children. But the most harsh shift in our lives occurred one Sunday at church when a preacher branded me a “witch”. From that moment, my childhood turned into a nightmare. Through this book, I hope to shed light on the harrowing reality faced by thousands of children wrongly branded as “witches” and subsequently rejected, abused, or even left to die but also to inspire resilience and hope.

© Joy Oloton 2023-08-29

Biographies & Non-fiction
Herausfordernd, Dunkel, Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Informativ