And did you live?

Frida-Victoria Tillian

by Frida-Victoria Tillian


Where does life begin, and where does it end? The answer to that seemingly simple question might seem simple as well (except for pro-lifers and pro-choicers arguing, of course).
With a new being created, life begins. With it dying, it ends.
But then why are there so many people who spend their life existing or maybe even just surviving instead of living? And what is living beside the subjective feeling to be doing something meaningful with one’s time?
Some of my favorite artists who have long passed away, some before I was even born, may not have lived. They may have just existed, and one or two of them may have just survived.
Now, it’s not up to me to judge what the differences are. But what is up to me is to use my empathy. To use what I feel when I look at someone. Or read about their life. Or watch them live it. (Or survive it. Or exist through it.)

But however you put it, no one who lives really has a choice as to what they want to do before dying. Because while most people live for many decades, they don’t know beforehand, now, do they?
Well, all I personally want should be easy to fulfill, because it’s…


give me one moment in time.

where i can just lay here

letting the sun give its shine

on my head and there is no fear

where i can just hear the birds singing

and the crickets making their sound

the blue sky folding over me, bringing

some safety into my mind, to the world i’m bound.

because all i want is to not feel alone

to not be scared for one moment in time

when the sun sets, i wish i could go home

but the truth is, there is no home, taste of a lime

© Frida-Victoria Tillian 2023-08-05

Novels & Stories