Change is the only consistent in life


by Joe_Maxime


“Conversation and thoughts may trigger change within you!”

He: “You look different.“

Her: “Do I look different or do you just look the same?“

Change and growth are beautifully unfinished steps in life. You are growing more beauty within yourself, a beauty that many might not be able to see. They see you differently; they see your transformation as a threat. You used to look the same, but now you appear different. While you have changed, others have remained the same. You are no longer on equal ground. As you continue working on yourself, striving for positive change, some people – especially those you’ve known for a long time – may not applaud your transformation. It requires effort on their part to adapt their minds to your changes, and it may awaken feelings of less in them. They feel less because they are unwilling to invest the effort needed for change. When you evolve, you reflect their weakness of laziness. If you had stayed the same, they wouldn’t have needed to adapt. Your transformation triggers their laziness and their desire for everything to stay exactly as it was. They fail to see the beauty in change. Remember, you look different every day, you grow every day, and this continuous evolution is a beautiful journey.

Loneliness is feared deep in our bones and evolution. That fear is triggered when you work on yourself – both within yourself and in others. Change brings forth differences, creating divisions. It reveals problems that never existed before because the situation has changed, just as you have. When you change, you are likely to lose many people in your life – people you thought would be there forever. Change is positive because it genuinely shows which of your people will remain on your life path by choice, even if both you and the situation, or their situation, have changed. It is liberating and simultaneously terrifying – to relinquish control, to set them free. By setting them free, you are setting yourself free. Trust the universe that change is positive, and even if it feels challenging at first, stay in there and keep walking. If you find yourself in hell, keep walking until you reach heaven.

In change, there is a lot of losing involved. You are likely to lose old parts within yourself and others, which can feel lonely sometimes. Please hold on and allow yourself to get lost, so you can find yourself again. Have faith – you will learn a lot about yourself while being alone, and only with yourself. Think about it this way: if you were not ready, there would not be an opportunity to do it. If there is, you are ready. Go within the flow – don’t be afraid; you are not alone. You can always go back to your old life, but whether you want to go back is another question. Of course, the state of being in between the old and the new self and life is not a pretty one, but that is life. Take risks, change as much as you can.

I am not afraid of change; I am afraid of staying exactly the same – staying stagnant.

So I ask you: “What are your dreams, and what are you willing to change in your life? You are in control!”

© Joe_Maxime 2024-01-09

Spirituality, Self-help & Life support
Herausfordernd, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Challenging, Reflective