Chapter 6: Echoes of Fate

Alia-Marie Sicher

by Alia-Marie Sicher


“I will get you out of here,” he says as he leaves the museum. Again. What did he mean? Does he know? How could he? Since my stroke of fate, I haven’t spoken to anyone. Except the children. And Pasiphae. But she couldn’t and wouldn’t tell anyone about me. She hates Poseidon as much as I do. He made her fall in love with the Minotaur. She was never able to live freely because of him. I won’t tell anyone about you. I promise. However, if I feel like your time has come, I will try to set you free. “Time has come? What do you mean?” My last words as a human. Creature. I don’t know what I am. Do Perseus and Pasiphae know each other? I know that I am safe in here. In this museum. In this frame. Behind those acrylic colors. Still, I often feel helpless, knowing that I cannot do anything. As long as Poseidon doesn’t find me, everything will be alright.

“Medusa,” I hear a deep voice talking to me. It’s Perseus. How late is it? I know for a fact that the museum is already closed. “I will get you out of here.” What does he mean? Out of the painting? I can see how my perspective has changed; apparently, he is holding my frame in his hand. “I will bring you to Hecate, she will free you.” Hecate? Who is Hecate? “I know that you cannot answer me right now. Soon you will. Poseidon has imprisoned Pasiphae for helping you five years ago. He still doesn’t know where you are because Pasiphae keeps her mouth shut. You can’t imagine how much torture she has already gone through for your protection.” I am so confused. Why would Pasiphae cover for me? I know she promised me, but why is she risking her life for me? And who is Hecate? As if he heard my thoughts, Perseus says, “Hecate is an old friend of Pasiphae. She knows about you. Pasiphae showed Hecate her thoughts.” She kept her promise; she didn’t tell anyone.

“Hecate really cares about Pasiphae and wants to free her. You have to understand that Pasiphae is the most powerful witch in Olympus. Without her, the gods and goddesses will continue to wield their power more and more. More half-gods are becoming victims of their parents every day. We are no children to them. We are weapons. Instead of fighting their battles on their own, they send their own children, regardless of their age.” I have always known that the gods were corrupt, but sending their own children into battle? What kind of person does this?

“We need you, Medusa. To free Pasiphae. She is the only one who has some kind of control over the gods. They are afraid of her. And you.”

© Alia-Marie Sicher 2024-09-01

Science Fiction & Fantasy