by Emma Derlet
Children in the garden, dancing around,
The sweet laughter sounds.
Sunset under the tree
Everyone is happy and carefree.
Tiny feet walking around.
Pictures are drawn on the ground.
Animals formed out of clouds in the skies,
Only sweet and innocence lies.
Finger-painted rainbow walls,
Colorful birds call.
Treehouse secrets and wispered confessions,
Faces full of joyful expressions.
The taste of rain drops on a summer night,
Everything feels right.
Dancing in the warm rain,
Felling absolutely no pain.
Bedstories are told,
The sun shines gold.
The last shimers of sunlight,
Inviting the moonlight.
With scraped knees and lessons learned,
A sweet treat is earned.
Ice cream melts on the tongue,
Oh, how nice it is to be young.
Yet in every heart a playground remains,
Pouring a sweet feeling like rain.
For in the dance of time, as years gently unfold,
The spirit of youth is a treasure to hold.
© Emma Derlet 2024-02-11