Everyday Friendship. Anthology. 2.

Piny Chen

by Piny Chen


Weeks later, a girl I’ve never had contact to, who was also in C’s friendship group, asked, if she could sit with us. Of course we couldn’t say no, but honestly, I was suspicious. I just sat there quietly, eyeing her. Well, after that day, she came every day. We never discussed about the pears again.

The new girl was actually really kind, too. Passionate, full of actions and life, and the funniest among us all. So, let’s call her F. 

Summer came, and the first cosmic shift happened: A and F became close friends, and J came back to me. What do you want? Why do you suddenly want to play with me again? Did I do something wrong? It was strange for me. As for all, I had finally found friends after nearly a whole school year. But, J didn’t do anything. Didn’t make a move. I never asked, why she came back. J always had friends, and it was hard to navigate through all of them. Stay loyal to all of them. That’s why I never budged. Staying easy and quiet was the least I could do, as I knew I would never be able to keep so many people happy.

In one year, I found A, C, J and F. Some of them I haven’t been able to understand deeply, others I scratched into my soul forever. Forever. And a new school year began…

Finally, now we were in 6th grade. Older, taller, wiser, changing. I won’t deny, that I, in fact, was very excited. What would a new year bring me? So, with a mind full of thoughts and wonders, my new school year started.

If you want to know, sometimes I hate the fact, that sometimes there is this bestie thing. Maybe because my BFF wasn’t in my school. Be grateful that you at least have a friend. Yes, I knew that I should be. But just on some days, when the skies weren’t so blue, and I was very down, I did wish; It would be so wonderful to have a bestie at school, too.

So, I went on my search. I talked a lot with C, played with J, laughed with F, drew with A. But none seemed to fully fill me. Maybe I’m just to greedy. I thought.

Afterward, I befriended Y, a supershy, supersmart, nice girl. We mostly just talked in two, because she was hesitant over meeting new people. She rarely ever talked, not in class, not in breaks, just listened. She was a great listener. She listened to my gossip, my fears, my happy news, my sad ones. In short, she was always there for me. How nice to have a bestie at school. Me and Y soon became unsepretable. 

Y and C also understood each other very well, and that is how we created our little threesome. It was nice, but when C got to comfortable, she would blaspheme loads of kids in our class which she didn’t like. it was like: Oh, I hate …, because … is so annoying, doing weird stuff, I hate every boy in my class!ï»ż

© Piny Chen 2024-06-21

Anthologies, Spirituality
Emotional, Komisch, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Reflektierend