Inspection spring 1974, was found fit. I was given a few suggestions and asked which unit I wanted to join. I thought the recruiter was nice. I had no idea and chose fighter unit. Sounded good. He looked at me and said it wasn’t for me and suggested a “Supply company”. The company was in the city St.Pölten-Spratzern. Service period: July 1974 to February 1975.
The basic training in the first 8 weeks was the most exciting time. Once a scold from an officer for a mistake in action in the field. But after that he was friendlier again. They’re humans too.
First and only night exercise outdoors: 20 km march with full luggage, pitching the tent in the forest, digging a ditch around the tent so that the water does not flow into the tent when it rains. Still didn’t help, because cloudburst in the middle of the night. Dismantle the tent and march back to the barracks, but halfway there trucks came towards us and picked us up. We thought that was nice.
Supply company meant: Some work as mechanics, some in the kitchen, one in the officers’ mess. This one was the most envied. I was in the office with a comrade at the duty officer. No stress, our duty officer was in the officers’ mess for several hours a day. We made the guard duty assignment, he took a quick look and approved it. Only if someone made a bad impression was he ordered by the officer to do weekend duty. Everyday life after basic training was a bit depressing. Sport was a good change. With 20 Shillings (about 1.45 Euros) daily pay I bought some joy. A pack of cigarettes (named Hobby) 10 shillings, a bottle of Fanta and a bar of chocolate together also 10 Shillings. Gained three kilos in 8 months.
I felt sorry for Karl, a nice guy from the Waldviertel (Forest District). He had a leg in plaster after a motorcycle accident and had to do housework for weeks during this time, which mainly meant sweeping the corridors, even if they were already shiny. He accepted it patiently. After the army we met on a trip to the Waldviertel. The friendship still exists.
To Vienna on the weekend. By hitchhiking, was going well. The car drivers felt with us.
One more maneuver in Allentsteig, Waldviertel, in November. It was already pretty cold. In the wooden barracks, only heating with wood was allowed until 10 p.m., but we heated it all night, almost comfortably. Most of the time there was target practice with guns. I was asked to write down the results. With the thick mittens difficult, without mittens I got stiff fingers. I managed somehow.
Everyone who served 8 months instead of 6 months, was rewarded with a higher rank, one star on the uniform. Leaving the army in February with a star. I wasn’t very drunk because on the way home to Vienna I had to help a comrade so that we arrived safely.
© Franz Kellner 2023-06-27