My soul’s reflection

Viola Pagani

by Viola Pagani


Looking into your eyes
I find my souls reflection.
Thinking about that sentence
Makes me feel stupid
But it’s true.
Looking into your eyes
I find my souls reflection.

I see all the fears and sorrows I’ve overcome in my life
I see all the hopes and wishes I’ve dreamed of
I see all the joy and abundance I’ve been flooded with
and that have never been understood by my surroundings.
I see the unshakable trust that us meeting was meant to be
And will leave both of us like we’ve never been before.

Looking into your eyes
I find my souls reflection.
And I feel peace. Deep and soothing.
I’m finding peace in your eyes
And suddenly I feel like time’s standing still.

I want to drown in your eyes
So I can dive deep deep down
In those turquoise-green depths
Where I can feel safe and secure
Like in my natural surrounding
Without depending on your help or comfort
Just being surrounded by my own soul’s reflection is enough.

Loving you doesn’t make me feel like I’m losing myself
But bringing myself closer to my soul’s desires
Loving you makes my soul shine brighter than ever before.

I don’t say you make my heart or soul complete
Because I know that they’re complete anyhow.
You just mirror my soul
That I could see its own beauty and light
And remind me that it has a mission to fulfill.

Looking into your eyes
I find my souls reflection.
And it’s so damn beautiful.

© Viola Pagani 2023-11-30
