When seven bees were flying, to the horizon and beyond,Lead by the sound of crying, of carnation and marigold
A murder they witnessed, on ther long and endless flight
It was brutal, cold as ice. And as they kept on flying, one of them got out of sight
When six bees were flying to the horizon and beyond, lead by the sound of crying, of carnation and marigold
The murder they witnessed, the senseless overkill
now one by one passed,til not one of them was left
When five bees were flying, to the horizon and beyond, lead by the sound of crying, of bitter-sweet carnation and lonely marigold
The horizon they dreamt of, a stripe of liquid gold
Then they were dissapointed,by the dustbowl they found
When four bees were flying, to the dust and beyond, lead by the sound of drying, of carnation and marigold
Again they saw the murderer, now suddenly good as gold
Tried to save what so passionately he destroyed, but time couldn’t be hold
When three bees were flying, to the vacuum and beyond, lead by the sound of dying, of carnation and marigold
Now the murderer was tamed, but was done, couldn’t be undone
The victim laughed in mockery, the murderer cried in shame
When two bees were flying, to the moon and beyond, lead by the sound of rotting of mud and lifeless dust
The dust, oh yes, it caught him, into a dry dry grave.
Now the victim killed the murderer, ever heard of that?
When one bee was flying, to the sun and beyond, lead by the sound of crying, of emptiness and dust.
© Clarissa Garcia 2024-03-19