There is a story in that grave-1

Saruna Maharjan

by Saruna Maharjan


I can see the spring has already started. The flowers are growing, birds are singing and dancing, warm but windy weather. Ahh, I love spring. As the train moves, I see more and more green. Leaving behind the concrete, the noise, and the chaos, I can smell the cool breeze, the calmness. Looking back, I don’t want to remember the days I had to face. I was never meant for city life, I say. After years and years of struggle and winning an argument against my parents, I decided to go to the city for better opportunities. I was selected by one of the renowned magazine companies as a story writer. The opportunities and working environment were great, but at the same time, the vague competition made me realize how small I was. Years passed by, but my progress was not that great, neither was I able to cope with city life. I always loved writing, but a part of my soul was left behind in my hometown. Eventually, they sent me a letter of termination. They said I was not making any progress.

So, now I am back to where I started. It was difficult for me, but I moved on. After wasting three months, I decided to return home. I am already feeling better. Nothing has changed at all. The station is here. I am nervous since it has been 10 years since I left home. There is a deep feeling inside me, a feeling of fear, fear of facing my parents after all the chaos I made them go through. I know my beloved mother will understand, but I am afraid of my father. He is very sensitive. Getting off, I saw one of my old friends, my best friend, the only friend and maybe more than a friend, Jason. I can’t believe he came to pick me up. The last time I remember, I didn’t even say goodbye to him. It was hard for me. Now he is there, staring at me like a ghost.

I approached him and said, “Hello.” It was awkward. He said, “Hi.” More awkward. He hasn’t changed a bit. He offered to carry my bags. From the station to my home, it was a 13-minute walk. He didn’t speak a word, neither did I. The silence between us was more awkward. I felt maybe he had many questions, but he didn’t utter a sound.

I reached home to see my mother waiting for me with eyes full of tears. My father was so angry and now maybe disappointed as well that I couldn’t even do the things I wanted by myself. I wanted to make my parents proud, but I failed. Returning home also gave me some coldness. I have a sister younger than me. She has graduated already and is looking after our small family business. She has her own small house, family and I am very happy for her. There was always a distance between Terra and me. We were never close and rarely shared our feelings. When I returned, she was not happy; I could see it on her face. I have done so wrong with her as well. Anyway, I am home now and I want to start fresh.

© Saruna Maharjan 2024-07-04

Suspense & Horror
Dark, Emotional, Mysterious, Sad