
Natascha Leitold

by Natascha Leitold


Before her stood Bjarne, her ex-boyfriend in human form. It couldn’t be true. She had probably just eaten something wrong or the air wasn’t good for her. She was definitely still standing in the room and had inhaled a poisonous gas or hit her head on the ceiling. Yes, that must be it. He wasn’t really standing in front of her. He was a projection of her subconscious. The group had only recently found out about it. This had opened up old wounds that she thought had healed. Algonaria shuddered. But what if he was real? If he was really standing in front of her and nothing and nobody was playing tricks on her? Could it be? Could he be real? The dragon lady felt like she had to flee immediately. But hadn’t she come here with the group to find out what her heart needed most? Algonaria gritted her teeth and swallowed. Yes, she was brave enough to find out what was going on here. She would not flee. Not again, she had done that often enough.

“Hello Bjarne,” she grumbled in his direction, “it’s been a long time since we last saw each other. “It’s been many years, my beautiful, and yes, I am truly standing before you. But I am not the one you are looking for. The Nameless One disappeared three moons ago and has not been seen since. Now it is up to me to fulfill my duties as his apprentice in his absence. On the day I left you, I did not do it because I did not believe our son was mine, but because something was calling me. Something old, scary and yet beautiful at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to tell you the truth, but I was not allowed to. Every time I tried, bad words came out of my lips. But not once did I close my eyes to you. I saw and see everything, everywhere and at any time. The price for that was my freedom; I was never allowed to fly again. To help me, the Nameless One gave me a potion that I have to drink regularly to be able to stay in this body. It is still my body, just older and weaker than my dragon body. That was the most important thing I wanted to tell you. I know I behaved badly back then, but I hope you understand that my calling left me no other choice,” he sighed. “Thank you for telling me all this. Even if it can’t be undone, I now understand your motives and can perhaps even forgive you. But it will take time for me to process everything. Please don’t be mad at me,” Algonaria replied. Bjarne grinned and knew that even if things would never be the same as before, his heart’s desire had finally come true. To explain to the love of his life why he had behaved like an asshole, and he hoped she could forgive him one day. But his time was limited. His human body was aging, as people do. But he would be careful not to tell her that. He would not burden her with more. His eyes became glassy. His body stiffened and began to shake. Bjarne felt it. With every fiber of his body. A vision made its way out into the open. A cry for help. But it came from a position directly in front of him. It hit him like a blow. The cry for help came from Algonaria. Without hesitation, he plunged into her mind and set out to Search. It was his parting gift to her. To help her and her friends. Even if he had to lie down for a very long time afterwards. Then he saw it.

© Natascha Leitold 2024-05-05

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Dark, Emotional, Hopeful