by Ouatblue13
Deep inside the large forest was a cliff. There stood a large black tree without leaves. Although it had been strange that the only light came from a red part of the sky above, two little abandoned girls were drawn magically towards it.
Suddenly a light bold hit the ground right next to the tree, on its place now stood an old woman waring a shiny purple carpet. She appeared to be very old, but smiled friendly at them. There was no reason to decline, as the old motioned for the children to come closer. The children followed, although a voice inside the dark haired girl’s head told her not to do so.”My poor children, I have watched over you, and I’ve seen that you two are diligent and good. Therefore, I want to give you a reward.”, she picked up two apples, a golden and a silver one and held them towards girls.
“Each apple stands for a destiny, but you can only take the one that is meant for you. Now choose.” The girls looked confused at each other.
Finally, the blonde decided to take a bite from the golden apple. As soon as she swallowed the piece, the apple disappeared and her dress turned into the golden one.
Happy that her poor live was now over, she thanked the woman, got into a golden carriage and drove away. The old watched her not being surprised, but quickly moved her attention towards the other girl, who kindly refused the offer.
“You’re making a mistake little girl. This was your only chance to escape your live as orphan. You have sealed your fate now.”, she heard the voice of the old yelling after her, but continued walking, without looking back.
A strong wind blew against the girl, trying to bring her back to the large dark tree. Somehow she managed to free herself and escaped. Due to the heavy rain, she had to seek shelter in a hole in the ground, under the roots of a tree and fell asleep there. In her dream she saw a fairy, who appeared as old woman with a purple carpeted to the people, who came across this strange tree. She would grant them graces according to their deeds, however there was a hidden dept, one would get, if foolish enough to accept, the wrong apple from the tree. The only way to be free was to destroy the apple falsely eaten.
The girl awoke shaking, realising her friend was under a spell. She needed to find a way to warn her, no to save her, but how? “If dept is not declined, the price to high, one need to find the key of light, to stop the darkness of the of night.” ,she suddenly recalled a sentence from her dream, but what was it supposed to mean?
Then she understood! Fast she ran back to the tree, which had a tiny hole, that looked almost like a keyhole. She filled it with water. As soon as a ray of sunlight hit it, the tree disappeared and on its place now stood the golden apple.
Quickly she burnt the golden apple and threw what was left down the cliff. Somehow she knew that her friend now would be safe, so she decided to walk into another part of the woods, to eat some berries for breakfast.
Suddenly she had to cough and spit out a piece of the golden apple. How could that be? The fairy must have tricked her! But why? The stone at her necklace started to shine, as the angry fairy grabbed her from behind…
© Ouatblue13 2023-09-02