
Clarissa Garcia

by Clarissa Garcia


I’m sorry that I bothered you with my existence.

It will not happen again.

But not because my existence is about to end, but because you aren’t invited anymore.

Actually, you never were.

You thought of yourself as a special guest.

Maybe you forgot that special isn’t necessarily a compliment.

There are also special kinds of brain cancer. Some that grow so deep you’ll never get rid of them.

Special kinds of ticks give you special kinds of lyme disease.

But maybe you won’t leave if you’re asked.

Maybe you will just leave as a surprise.

Isn’t that the way you like it to be?

Go ahead: Be the special one.

Sing the wrong words.

Recite Russian poets, whose names you can’t pronounce.

Think of yourself as the main character when you drink your coffee black and unsweetened.

Go to the theatre.

To the opera.

To the Ballett.

Pretend not to fall asleep, as if anyone would believe you.

Don’t do anything, as long as it’s mainstream.

Swim in the river, naked. (Isn’t that a bit mainstream though?)

Now go ahead:

Leave the party first.

© Clarissa Garcia 2024-06-14
