When the year is running out

AM Kluge

by AM Kluge


In Between

When the lights have burned down
but Janus is still looking back,
time is water and song
and liquid air scorches lungs.

In the Quiet
for Adrian Mitchell

In the quiet darkness
when solitude brings heartache
and the last bit of hope has finally died,
when the pain of grief takes over, I find that

I think of you with nothing on.

Villanesque for the New Year
cf. Dylan Thomas

While slowly we grow past the vastest night,
the turning wheel quietly in conclave,
just let us hope the new year brings new light.

Step out, disembark, descend, alight,
let go and watch it pass, the rolling wave,
while slowly we grow past the vastest night.

In the pain of doing what is right,
of letting go of that which we can waive,
just let us hope the new year brings new light.

We hold those dearest to us close and tight.
Loved ones rest, now peaceful, in their grave,
while slowly we grow past the vastest night.

We mind the moments we were full of fright,
when we were holding on and being brave,
so let us hope the new year brings new light.

January calls with blinding sight,
new ventures are ahead, new roads to pave.
While slowly we grow past the vastest night,
just let us hope the new year brings new light.

Campus after Christmas
world prattles
on but the city is emptier
than ever. Trams and trains are quiet
and drift on
their way with less
delay. The library lights hail
those of us who are too far from home to
go, or too busy,
or not well enough.
Precious few encounters between
the shelves,
free choice of seats in
the reading halls, quiet hallways, and no lines at
the service counter.
A rare occasion not to wait
forever in the dining hall lines and
still get a choice of your favourite dish before
it is all gone.
Campus after Christmas
is not for the faint of heart, and
to see its beauty is rare. It requires you to
set aside your heartache and melancholy, but
not too far.
Embrace the

© AM Kluge 2024-12-27
