Five reasons why writing a book is the business boost you’re looking for

With you can convey your knowledge in a captivating, sustainable way. When you publish your own book, you strengthen your credibility, improve your reach and get noticed.

Here are five top reasons
why publishing provides a unique platform for your expertise:

Multiple hands illustration

1. Demonstrate your expertise

Books convey authority: publishing takes your credibility to the next level and strengthens your reputation. It’s not simply building your own personal brand and your own story, it’s taking your thought-leadership to new heights. Once you add ‘Author’ to your profile, you have a major selling point and a unique way to leave an impression on your audiences and potential clients.

2. Build emotional connections

Stories stay in the memory. The more intriguing or insightful the narrative, the stronger the effect. You inspire and influence through your coaching or consulting, leaving your audiences and clients a book to take away with them allows them to return to time and again. It ensures your thoughts and insight remain – your writing, your book can be part of your legacy.

3. Create an effective marketing tool

Books produce sustained, highly effective communication. Readers spend time understanding your views and viewpoints. Having hard copies of your book brings authority and credibility when compared with your peers. They are a marketing tool to employ via the media and on social platforms like LinkedIn.’s partnership with Thalia makes physical distribution easier, and your book could be sold in their flagship stores in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Vienna and Düsseldorf.

4. Easy to write – high added value

Write and publish a book in just 14 days with our efficient and unique method. books are available everywhere, they’re sold online and in bookstores while your book would be published exactly how you want it and, with, there is helping hand to make it unique. We provide the platform for you to write, publish and distribute your book.

5. Increase attention – increase reach

Retain customers and become a sought-after expert. Consultant, podcast host and keynote speaker Philipp Maderthaner (Ernst & Young’s ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’) says: Writing a book is one of the most powerful levers in positioning – makes it possible to do this. The platform completely rethinks the concept of a book. Find a new audience to reach and engage with.

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Philipp Maderthaner
‘Writing a book is one of the most powerful levers in positioning – makes it possible to use it!’

Publish with to ensure you get seen, get noticed and get read.
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Multiple hands illustration Illustration of a woman standing on top of a book
Woman reading books Stacks of books and a garland illustration
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