I find it impossible to encapsulate a constantly fluctuating being in static words and nouns. I have been Investigating this question of who am I for years now. should I write about my nine to five job? Is that all I am? or my academic degree is what defines me? my political or metaphysical views? for they are also constantly changing. as Herman Hesse discovered in Neustadt, we are an ever changing Onion or Matryoshka, many layers and masks but empty at the core. however, for some years i used to identify myself as an Psychology student, then found a more practical way to investigate my psyche and identified myself as a yogi, as a mystic. but that too was just another mask. until I finally find what could be closest to truth in Zen and Dzogchen. that behind that ever changing moods, thoughts and personalities there is a unborn background of being, a transparent field; am empty cognizance