Diary of 2007

Ally Lancaster

by Ally Lancaster

»My treehouse is gone« ,the child says to its mother. »It isn’t gone, it just looks different«, she replies. »But it is missing my cars and my dolls and my lollies, my red shoelaces, and my cassette recorder.« For the child, it all seemed to be gone. »Whenever you want to feel like you did when being in that treehouse again, you just need to close your eyes and climb up the old treehouse«. Diary of 2007 is a collection of poems that reflect upon the unique challenges of growing up in the halfway digital age, imposing a journey marked by great emotions, the transition from child to adult, self-discovery, and absolute uncertainty. Blending personal experiences of loss, love, disappointment and loneliness with a philosophical outlook that resonates with the struggles and dreams of Generation Z, Ally Lancaster grasps the core of teenage life and adolescence.

© Ally Lancaster 2024-09-02

Emotional, Inspiring, Sad