The moody young writer – Tales of a wandering mind

Isabell Wykidanez

by Isabell Wykidanez

What if it all depends on your perception, your mood and your willingness of what you want to see as part of our world as it is? If your mind is the key to give birth to entire worlds and reality? Maybe the end of humankind won’t be the end, allowing for something else to be born. Maybe we truly aren’t the only creatures that harbour a soul and maybe some of them have a deeper understanding of nature’s internal clockwork than we do. Maybe the story of Alice in Wonderland is true, but with a more twisted turn than anticipated. Let your mind wander and discover these possibilities of reality through this book via different genre that exist in the literary world.

© Isabell Wykidanez 2023-09-01

Novels & Stories
Abenteuerlich, Dunkel, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend