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Penka Todorinova

by Penka Todorinova



God help me. To be
Crushed by her warmth.
To be crushed by her 
Heavenly softness

The warmth of her embrace,
calling to me.
Like a siren 
singing of my doom

Never have I 
Heard such a 
Sweet melody before.
Made of giggles and whispers.

Burning me to ashes 
Turning me to dust 
And then i will beg you again 
To kill me with that sweet pain.


Those shades of pink 
Catching my eyes 
And as they get caught 
My heart stutters 

Oh to have the privilege 
To gaze at her lips 
Knowing only i 
Am the one who gets to taste them. 


The river floating calmly 
As external as my love
Time is but a tax 
I pay to be in your presence.

But had i had to give
My breath for your smile 
I´d do that it as well.
My patience shall escort you.

Whether time or patience 
Or blood or blushes.
I shall give my everything 
Just for you to share a smile with me.

© Penka Todorinova 2024-03-06

Novels & Stories