The drinks began to flow and the mood was on the up and up. Our alcohol level had risen to the level of. We stepped into the large gala room where hundreds of people stood around making lively small talk. From influencers and actors to high-level business people.
I just got my high school diploma a week ago and am preparing for my move to Korea and now I’m dancing in the midst of Jakarta socialites and Indonesian celebrities. Come again for big fudge?
As I tend to do, I immediately started dancing, drink in hand. As I swayed to the beat of the music, I waved in Caleb’s direction. He was just standing around awkwardly, so I motioned for him to join me. We were soon interrupted by one of Ben’s friends. He turned out to be a German-Indonesian actor who soon after let us in on the fact that he was carrying a huge gin bottle filled to the brim. Everyone broke out in a cheer of delight and relief because the drinks at the open bar had run out.
The party was far from over. After dancing with various social media personalities and the Asian Kanye West, we were pretty much ready to move the party.
Cabs were called and we promptly ended up at a bar called Bauhaus. Guess what kind of night it was? Rainbow Night! As I strut inside, my confidence level boosted to the max thanks to the generous amounts of alcohol I had consumed, I was immediately greeted by a bunch of drunk and very pretty men. My eyes widened and, because I have no filter, I blurt out “You’re all gay aren’t you?”
“Yes, honey we are.” Replied one of them. After a loud “Yaaas queeens” I was handed drinks and dance battles took place. Between the heated dance sessions, delicious cocktails, and lots of laughter, I knew I had found my people for the night. While I was having the absolute time of my life, the guys had taken refuge in a back corner. While they were drinking the awkwardness of being relentlessly hit on by multiple dudes at once, away I was living life to the fullest. After a dance with the German-Indonesian actor, I spotted Caleb and sat down next to him. He just looked at me and kissed me.
Soon after, cabs were called because it was time to retreat back home. The bar closed and everyone was either too drunk or too sober to party on.
© Sahriah Ingratubun 2023-01-29