Raphaël Payet

by Raphaël Payet

London 2060 – 2070

He heard the low rumble of an approaching vehicle. David’s heart leapt, and he stepped closer to the road, waving his arm more vigorously this time. A rusty old pickup appeared in the distance, and for a moment, David thought it would pass him by like all the others. But surprisingly, the lowry slowed, pulling over with a creak of old metal.

The driver, a grizzled man with a beard, leaned out the window, sizing David up. “Where you headed?” David forced a smile, though it came out more as a grimace. “Just trying to get back to London,” he said, trying to keep his tone light. “I’m, uh, a bit stuck without any cash.”

The man snorted, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “No cash, huh? Tough luck. You could sell this” he said, pointing at the costume. “But not to me, I am not used to wear these outfits at all. They are hell inconvenient around here.” He paused, then jerked his thumb toward the passenger seat. “Hop in. I’m not going far, but I can get you closer.” David hesitated for just a second — this was not the kind of ride he was used to. But he had no choice. He climbed into the truck, the seat creaking under his weight. The interior smelled like gasoline and sweat, and David cringed as he pulled the door shut.

As the truck started moving, the man cast edgeways glances at David. “So, what’s your story?” David bristled at the question, but kept his tone as casual as he could manage. “Just trying to get home. Had a bit of a… setback.” The driver grunted, not pressing further. “Money problems? ” David almost snapped at the man, but bit his tongue. He was in no position to be picky. “Yeah, something like that,” he replied tersely. The truck rumbled along the road, and David couldn’t help but notice the vast emptiness around him. No skyscrapers, no bustling streets, just endless fields and open sky. It was unnerving, how quiet it all was. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wishing for the familiar hum of city life, the comfort of luxury, the control that money usually gave him.

The driver, sensing David’s unease, spoke up again. “Funny, isn’t it? How much do you realise you need money when you don’t have it?” David scowled, his irritation bubbling to the surface. “I don’t need a lecture, okay? I just need to get back to my life.” The man shrugged, unbothered by David’s tone. “Sure, sure. Just saying. Out here, money doesn’t mean much. Folks help each other because they have to, not because they’re getting paid. Different way of living.” David rolled his eyes, dismissing the man’s words as backwoods philosophy. “Yeah, well, I’ve seen what money can do. It’s the only thing that keeps people alive.”

The man didn’t argue, just kept driving, the silence stretching between them. After a few more miles, the truck began to slow, and the driver nodded toward a crossroads up ahead. “This is as far as I go. Town’s about ten miles that way. Should be able to find another ride if you’re patient.” With every step, his frustration grew. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He should be in control. *And now he was reduced to this —begging for rides, walking miles in the dirt like some kind of drifter.

© Raphaël Payet 2024-08-31

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Adventurous, Challenging, Informative, Reflective