Elena Eminger

by Elena Eminger

Chicago, IL

As “Moment’s Notice” from the Blue Train album started filling the room with its ambient sounds, Jenna grew tired. She lay on her brother’s brown sofa, feet dangling over the armrest, while Silas occupied the floor with a big piece of off-white paper and a set of pencils sprawled across it. Neither of them spoke a word, they just listened. Jenna watched her brother draw for a little while before closing her eyes to concentrate on the music. She knew she wouldn’t fall asleep as long as she kept listening. The rain was still pouring, the distant noise of pencils hitting paper emerged from the floor. Jenna felt safe.

The saxophone melody reminded her of a lukewarm summer evening at the sea, and if Jenna focussed on the mental image long enough, she could almost feel her feet being covered by sand and a salty breeze blowing around her ears. She managed to stay in her dream-like state for the rest of the album. It was the record player needle which made her open her eyes with its scratchy pull-away sound. 

When she sat up, she had a feeling as if something had changed, not in general, but inside of her. For once in her life, she felt certain – certain that she, too, could be capable of pride directed towards herself.

“So, what do you think?”, her brother had stood up to get the record out of the player and into the sleeve again. He covered one of the songs off the album in a joyful whistle.

Jenna opened her mouth, urging to express her emotions, but she couldn’t, so she closed it again. Silas carefully put the record back, placed it on the counter and faced her.

“Jenna? Are you crying?”

Jenna got overwhelmed by a few sobs she’d tried to hold in before. As the first tear streamed down her cheek, Silas sat down on the sofa next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. 

When they were children and her brother had hurt himself while playing on the street, she’d kneel down beside him on the kerb and do her best to comfort him. Now, the roles were reversed, and she was the one in need of consolation. How ironic, she thought to herself. Simultaneously, Jenna felt lucky having a brother like Silas. She never took it for granted.

“I’m so proud of you, Silas”, she blurted out, in between sniffles and sobs. Her brother didn’t answer, he just tightened his hug.

On the way back, the rain had eased off. Jenna exited the bus at a stop close to a music store. Determined, she entered it and walked up to the saxophone section.

© Elena Eminger 2023-09-18

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Inspirierend, Inspiring