
Alina Kurpel

by Alina Kurpel


— Here is the plan: I take this English test, apply for a Master’s degree, and then stay in Europe.

— But why?

— What do you mean, why?

— Why do you want to stay in Europe?

— I don’t know. Nothing works out for me here, but there—it’s the opposite. There, I feel better, and also other people can feel me better. As if it was easier to find connections, you know?

— But what if it doesn’t work out?

— For me, it shall.

I am a student at the most prestigious journalism departments in Saint Petersburg, one of the best in the whole of Russia, which I am fantastically proud of. I eagerly attend classes, where, in addition to fascinating literature and journalism history lectures, as well as constant reminders to be curious and sincerely explore the world, we have to study a bunch of outdated information and absurd ideas. Have you heard about the theory that Russians descended from the mysteriously lost Roman Ninth Legion? So, we have, and not even once. Season all of this with a pinch of propaganda—and voilà.

Today, we have a class on international journalism with Bobr (which means Beaver in Russian). That is how we nicknamed our professor because of his large belly and distinctive mustache.

— Has everyone read the article from The Atlantic? Good. Look, the main point for us there is Syria. Why did the Americans end up there? What was their aim?

Bobr gave us an assignment: to write a TV program script using information from this article to vividly demonstrate what kind of jerks the Americans really are. We should work in pairs. My partner is Ulyana.

© Alina Kurpel 2023-08-29

Novels & Stories