Dennis Czyzewski

by Dennis Czyzewski


Oh world, it must be a bad joke

As you made that girl’s heart break

She was listening to her favourite sad song

Closing in the bathroom, no one could tell for how long

Her ex was a bad traitor, realized at the prom, later

And if that’s not enough, Adam was for real in love with her.

It’s the story of Chelsea living in heartbreaking jealousy

She was studying at a university, living further with her heartbreak and jealousy. 

Trying to become normal, by writing in her emotional journal

Her journal was like her real friend, until she met a guy called Brad.

She had to keep attention twice, even if he was really nice.

Her heart was colder than ice, to melt it had a high price. 

Like talking to a vulnerable cat, her ex never saw that 

And like with Jack, so with Brad, the romance came to a bad end

After her studies, she was still muddy.

And she tried suicide in the daylight 

Luckily, she survived.

Into a new life she dived

Now she could smile in front of every guy. 

She took many dates 

In different states

She took the entry

“Way out of heartbreak jealousy” 

Celebrate that with a few drinks

At the bar on the way

An old man from Rock’n’Roll sings

She saw her old friend A.

© Dennis Czyzewski 2023-08-25

Novels & Stories
Dunkel, Emotional, Traurig