The hardest part on earth is to forgive yourself
To earn your own trust back
To mend your own wounds
To pick up those shards
Sometimes you might not know how to stick the pieces back together
Sometimes you might cry out in anguish and frustration
Sometimes you might think that the pain will never stop
But then little by little just like a child who begins to walk
You will step out of the haze and realize that your shards
are the fancy pieces that make your mosaic special
It is okay to see the fine line
It is okay to fall apart
It is okay to feel the fracture
Nobody said it would be easy
But life is not supposed to be easy
We are not supposed to be happy all the time
We are supposed to be human.
That’s all.
With all those feelings and emotions.
Positive and negative.
A mosaic of moments.
© thestorycurator 2020-09-16