by Dana Zeghib
I would like to dedicate this poem and words
To my parents, who prevented my trust
From becoming a victim of someone’s Trojan Horse
I am sure that there were difficult times
When you had to drag a smile across miles of trouble
Such troubles my sister and I weren’t able to comprehend yet
Despite the challenges, there was still hope in your eyes
That there was much more to the world than just a melancholy bubble
And that life’s chances of becoming better are not just a game of roulette
To my parents, who have taught me to rise from ashes like a phoenix
Against the world’s most painful burns
Now their words can untangle the complexity of my actions like a prefix
The suffering I have gone through is now just lessons learned
I hope I can one day repay all of your continuous sacrifices
That has promised my sister and I the path to knowledge’s paradise
I wish our eyes shared the same lens
So that the beautiful greenery can never escape your views
From your wise words, my identity has stemmed
Into a garden of colors, it bloomed
© Dana Zeghib 2024-03-10