A story about me


by eatmorearts


A rainy June. The same rainy June like 28 years ago. Or at least that’s what I was told. I am a late spring child. I enjoy the smell of the wet green grass and occasional rainbows on the warm June sky. That’s me. I am June.

Sometimes the feeling of the wind-breeze in my hair and the sun on my open hands is everything I need to embrace the peace in my mind and body. It wasn’t always like that. Still, it isn’t easy to feel safe in its own body. The mind is nevertheless having these episodes playing the worst enemy of mine.

Getting old or experienced? The dilemma that is old as the time itself. Is it really so relevant how long am I walking on this particular planet? Somehow I learned to rais myself above the grounded and paved goals, swim among the stars. I became brave and fearless. This was one magic year of transformation, growth and self-appreciation. I saw how my anxieties flow away. I witnessed my heart healing. Me jumping in a new adventure thanks to strong people believing in me. You would call them friends I will just say my fans. They are loyal followers who could from time to time be mercilessly realistic. Me still swimming in new seas thanks to new souls who crossed my path in this challenging year.

But a tree can’t grow and bloom without his roots being strong and healthy. Proud and thankful for my powerful runway which gave me the needed wind to take off into my own life.*

And here I am, 28 and awesome. Planing a perfect brunch in a fancy Viennese cafe with my spirit animal. Running a Solidarity project with my Zeit crew about sustainable fashion. Kicking off on TikTok thanks to my favourite person and only follower my kind sister. Volunteering like no one before. Embracing my hobby, writing for webpages, blogs and magazines. Mastering the third foreign language to perfection. Appreciating my long, blonde and pretty awesome hair. Mmhhhm, I know isn’t it gorgeous?

I think I may have grown also physically for two centimeters what are the odds? Or is that just me getting used to going with my head up straight in the clouds?

Hey, you, V! I am proud of you! You did it! you took up a challenge. You dared to listen to your whole body. The prise is yet to come. Be patient.

Am I perfect? Do I want it to be? A hug is something perfect. Yoy know hugs are the best presents. Hugs can’t be angry. Try it. Try to hug someone and be angry. No, chance! All your face muscles calm down. The forme of your body gravitates to the centre of the earth. You are going home.

Was this year hard and sad? Yes! Do I need a hug? Yes!

So, what are you waiting for? A better reason then my B-day you can’t get!

P.S. Still waiting for that one particular hug standing at my door as an oddly obvious surprise.

P.P.S. It is not a proper V birthday without tears. Let the water flow for a fruitful and successful new life year.

*Thanks, Mum and Dad. You know. Ofc you, my crazy, cute sister. And thanks to my awesome two grandmas supporting all my childhood pranks that helped develop my creative and survival skills.

© eatmorearts 2020-10-04
