A Story of Friendship

Tanya Guleria

by Tanya Guleria


Lion, jackal and vulture

Went along on their way:.

To each other they showed culture

And divided their pray.

The bird was watching from the highs

And when it saw some deer:

It gave a signal to the guys

The jackal lurked near,

 It chased the deer in direction,

Where the lion sprang,

And there was not a real protection

From this wicked gang.

 But destiny expressed its might

And didn’t let things go:

A poison snake did deadly bite

The lion on the paw.

Experiencing awful pain

The lion cried for water:

But he was hoping all in vain:

The jackal didn’t bother.

 The lion burned in cruel fever :

It asked the bird for shade:

Bird’s heart did slightly quiver:

But still its friend betrayed.

In life you take some care:

When you choose a friend :

A lot of them take when you share,

But aren’t beside in the end.


© Tanya Guleria 2024-07-28

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