A Villain Monologue

Sarah Wazlawik

by Sarah Wazlawik


Only idiots think with their hearts. Which is why this world is populated by idiots. You think that love makes you strong, that being emotional is a good thing, but you are wrong. Let me tell you a little story. And to make it more interesting, I will tell it as if it were a fairytale.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman. She had hair as black as a raven, alabaster skin and chocolate brown eyes that seemed to look directly into your soul. The woman grew up in a small farming town, where the crops were oftentimes sparse, the winters where harsh and many people died before they were forty. The woman ran a small market where she sold whatever food the farmers could spare and other little oddities she had collected around town, and whenever merchants passed through this town, they would oftentimes visit the market. Those men were instantly taken with the beautiful woman and offered to show her the world, to take her with them to their hometown and shower her with riches beyond her imagination.

But the woman was humble and modest and didn’t want to go with somebody just because they thought she was attractive, so she turned them down, one after the other. One day, the little bell that hung over the door rang and in walked a man, leaning heavily on a cane. “I’m sorry to bother you”, he said, “but the sheep I was herding a few miles away got spooked by a falcon and they all ran off. I tried to catch them, but I twisted my ankle. I was wondering if you had some salve against the swelling.”

The woman went to work right away, smearing the salve onto the man’s injured ankle and bandaging it so it could heal properly. While she did, they started talking, getting to know each other, and she offered that he could stay for a while, until his ankle was better. During the next few weeks, the fell in love, and the man decided to stay in this town and become a farmer himself. And they lived happily ever after.

Well, at least that is what it would sound like if it was a fairytale. But the reality was that the woman chose a life of poverty, even though she had every opportunity to change her life for the better. But she chose this, endured every hardship, for love. What an idiot.

Luckily, though, the son she eventually bore was smarter than she was. He took the first opportunity he had to get out of this town, out of this life, and he never looked back. He did whatever he pleased and took whatever he wanted, because he knew from early on that love wasn’t worth it. You had to think with your brain, not with your heart, you had to put all emotions aside and think rationally. Only then would you succeed. And I did.

© Sarah Wazlawik 2022-08-29
