by Mailin_Grey
This is a Coraline fanfiction (Characters used are from the Movie Coraline, from the Book by Neil Gaiman) – this is a creative writing exercise.
Song: Nights in White Satin – The Moody Blues
My Name is Coraline, Coraline Jones. It’s been a while since I’ve moved away from the pink palace, where I’ve lived through a real nightmare. My parents moved into a different city too and I started my life in college with my old friend Wybie, who went through this time with me. I didn’t particularly like him in the beginning, but after what happened to us, we definitely grew closer, best friends so to speak. He was living right next to my dorm in college, so we kept hanging out a lot between classes. Since my parents always cooked rather healthily, now was my time to eat all the ice cream I wanted, and you know college life… So where was I again? Ah right, Wybie and I are planning to go back, back to the pink palace where it started. I’ve been having nightmares frequently, about the other mother coming back again, but this time she didn’t seem to have to stay in the House. This is where it started, so we kind of got the idea, to check and see if my nightmares meant anything, stupid of course, but I’ve been getting more and more anxious about it. Also, we just wanted to show one of our friends, Vicky, the house. They are a fan of horror. Yeah you know, one has to do this stupid things sometimes. Anyway, I’m writing this down as sort of a record, to look back on this later and remember how stupid we probably were.
The drive to the house took about three hours from Uni, and we took a little stop at Salem first, to get into the spooky mood. I had a bad feeling about this, but Vicky was already so invested, so I didn’t really say anything at first. Of course, it was a rather moody day, as grey and foggy as I remember. When we arrived, it looked even more worn down than I remembered it to be. It seemed that the flats all had been left, Mr. B’s sign was removed as well. Mhm, I had thought about asking my ex-neighbours to show us around and let us into our old apartment, since after what happened we gave them spare keys, to feel safer. Was it illegal, to just go inside, it seemed to not be guarded sort of…
Anyway, you might have guessed, we waited for the light to get low and the day to cease and then just entered. Nobody seemed to care anyway, at least that’s how worn down the House looked.
Upon entering, I swear, my body shivered, feeling as if I had passed through a veil, to a time long-lost and forgotten. I’ve noticed, since I’ve moved away, that my anxiety level in general has just gotten so much better, so feeling it come back to me all at once, I felt the need to cry and run away. My friends didn’t seem all too happy either. I could sense fear building up. It’s Ok, I told myself, I already fought my fear once, so what could happen? Death? Seems like Death was not the worst enemy we should fear in this place. I decided, the dining room was going to be the ‘safest’ ,sounds funny right? We set up our little space here, a few candles, a bit of lavender Room Mist from Anthropology, to make for a refuge in this creepy house.
© Mailin_Grey 2023-04-18