About me


by Loreley_Silver


People say a lot of things about me.

Mostly when they’re disappointed.

When I didn’t meet their expectations once again, when they realize that I am not like I am in their imagination.

People say a lot of things about me.

Mostly when they’re proud.

When I caught them off guard with something desirable, I achieved even when it’s rarely anything extraordinary.

People say a lot of things about me.

Mostly when they’re annoyed.

When I am hyperactive or acting like my inner child or talking about things I like, for example, my favourite music artist and my experiences.

I say a lot of things about myself.

Mostly to be funny.

When I joke about myself being a dwarf or being so good at dancing or making fun of the way, I laugh, saying it sounds like a goat.

I say a lot of things about myself.

Mostly to cover up pain and disappointment.

When I use sarcasm again and say something with a bitter undertone or when I make jokes again I know I’ll regret later because I fear I look like a Pick-me.

I say a lot of things about myself.

Mostly to impress others.

When I tell the few things that are actually impressive and leave out the details, so it doesn’t sound so pathetic as it really is.

About me, people talk

About me, people laugh

About myself I cry

About myself I joke

About me, people don’t know a lot of things.

People should think more about what I write and what I say.

© Loreley_Silver 2024-08-26
