Emmely Fürst

by Emmely Fürst


Adrian fell in love twice, Once over loneliness,

And once over perfectly natural eyes.

The bodies he loved, Were two separate kinds,

Restlessly wandering his mind.

The former was brave, And whispered so quickly,

I`ll love you forever; it`s you whom I crave.

So they sat by each other, Every night they listened,

To voices and singers and nothing was missing.

Until Adrian realized, What he couldn`t before,

Asunder love hurts when you can`t grasp it no more.

Yet he couldn`t put down, The heart he`d been given;

And continued to love internally riven.

Then one day somewhere else, A fragile love started to grow.

How where they supposed to know – there`d be feelings involved.

Even though there was nothing to hide, He didn`t want her to know his affection was tied.

Thence he shied away from promising touches, longing glances, inside jokes, loving gestures…


I wanted to grab you, needed to say

I love you wholeheartedly, why won`t you stay

With me till forever, for now or for never

We don`t have to be anything at all

Just let me be one gray flower on your wall

Never plucked and never chosen

I`ll weave you into my sweetest dreams

Cherish our earliest memories

Happy to exist.

In my pathetic. dying. fantasies.

Truth is: Adrian fell in love.

But both souls he could never have.

Instead he erased the promises, plans and pity. Then went away.

Trying to learn to love himself. One day.

© Emmely Fürst 2024-07-13

Novels & Stories
Dunkel, Emotional, Reflektierend, Inspiring, Sad