An Endless Melody

Ray Rowan

by Ray Rowan


A sweet melody plays on the radio. It’s quite magical, isn’t it? All these tones sound like nothing when they’re all alone, but once combined, they create such wonderful music. I twirl around in my room as the piano lets out more beautiful sounds.

For the next few days, I can hear the music everywhere. It’s a funny little coincidence, I think to myself. I end up liking a song, and all of a sudden, it’s everywhere. It’s almost like I’ve got it stuck in my head! When I tell my friends about it, they laugh and exclaim how much they can relate.

A week later, something feels off. It’s not just the radio playing the song now. It’s as if the song is stuck in my head. Actually, it’s rather pleasant. I can hear the gentle melody in my head as well as every emotion put into the piece.

Another week has passed. The music is beginning to sound… strange. I’ve had enough of this music and don’t want to listen to it any longer. I no longer recognize the lovely melody I enjoyed the first time I heard it. All the wrong piano keys are being pressed, and all I can hear in my mind are echoes of agony. Please, make it stop.

It’s been a month now. I’ve visited several doctors, but none of them could help me. I went to the streets and begged strangers to take my life, but they all called me a freak, a drug addict. Many of them laughed in my face. I can’t take it any longer.

The tune keeps playing in my head. But all I hear today are shattered, cruel tones instead of the kind, welcome harmony I used to love and admire. It drives me mad how out of tune every note is. I’m at a loss for what to do.

I’m in the hospital right now. I lost my hearing. I won’t tell you how I did it because it didn’t work. I continue to be haunted by the melody every day. I believed it would succeed. I thought that perhaps by taking away my hearing, I would never again hear that annoying music. But here I am, with nothing else to entertain me but the disjointed notes of my old favorite song.

While I sit on the hospital bed, I tap my finger to the rhythm and hum the sweet, endless melody.

© Ray Rowan 2023-08-03

Novels & Stories, Suspense & Horror
Adventurous, Challenging, Dark, Mysterious, Tense