And It Went Like

Milna Hyder Ali

by Milna Hyder Ali


Tum…dee..dum…dee..dum…I can reach the bottom two kitchen drawers easily, so it’s only natural to want to explore them, right? I rummage through the contents. Baking tins? Bleh. Grater? Bleh. Sieves of varying sizes? Interesting! There are about 5 of them. I proceed to display them all on the floor. Above me, the tiny kitchen is a blur of activity. Lolo moves fast, mixing something into a batter at one moment, chopping furiously the next. I would lovvvve to offer my services, so I drag my stool to where she’s standing. ‘NOT now, Zayn!’ she huffs. I know that tone. She means business. I’m about to slink away and continue with my rummaging, when she hoists me up and straps me into the high chair. Waaaaaaaaaaa! I bemoan my loss of freedom for a bit, but then my eye catches some steely thing on the counter that I can just about reach. I pick it up and slam it on my table. It makes a nice loud Twang! Lovely. I bang it repeatedly. This is such fun! *Sniff sniff* There’s a funny smell in the air. And then I see smoke. Lolo seems to notice it too. Alarmed, she screams, ‘the pancakes!!!!’ Papa comes rushing from the next room and tries to calm her down. But first, he stops to throw open the windows to get the burnt smell out. Meanwhile, I carry on with my banging. Lolo barks orders. ‘You! (at Papa) Finish making the rest of the pancakes!’ ‘And you! (this one is directed at me) Stop the banging AT ONCE!!’. I stop, wait for her to turn her back and then carry on, because how else is one expected to entertain himself? Papa shoots Lolo (who looks freaking mad) a sideways glance and flips a pancake. They look yummy and golden, by the way. The second he’s done, he cheerfully calls out ‘Let’s go eat some pancakes, mate!’, lifts me by the chair and carries me all the way out to the patio. Even outside, we can hear Lolo noisily slamming drawers shut. Maybe it is a good thing we are not in her vicinity. Papa shows me the sky and the birds and lots of other stuff. After a while, Lolo comes to sit outside too. She holds her head in her hands and sighs heavily. Papa tousles her head. She looks up and glares at me. Geez! I look away. I ain’t worried in the least. You know why? Because come bedtime, I am always her darling baby again. Sure enough, it is soon time to go to sleep. First I get my bottle of milk (warmed for exactly 30 seconds in the microwave – I’m extremely particular about this). After milk, it’s story time. And after story time come the kisses and the ‘night-night’s. Papa and Lolo sometimes smother me with their kisses. I love them, but they can be a little much. Lolo seems to have completely forgotten that she was mad at me earlier. Tee hee!

© Milna Hyder Ali 2024-03-09

Humor & Satire
Funny, Lighthearted