Arrived in Maputo, what a difference when you are used to living in Vienna. I admit, even though studying social- and cultural anthropology, this is a life changing moment, day, week and maybe even month(s). And yes I knew that it was not going to be easy. I was hoping for the support of my boyfriend.
He works and lives in Maputo for half a year already, working for an organisation, he loves his job, always gives 100% and even more if needed. Long story short, he is not happy here, as the job is tough, life is different and yes the two of us being so far apart, was not easy. I am self-employed, I have a homeoffice and can work all over the WORLD, so I was able to make the decision to come and stay with him here for a little while. So lucky me, I thought, I can tick one dream of my WISHlist (as Southafrica is very close and we wanted to do the Kruger National Park together).
After not even 48hrs I can say: life changing it definitly is. We came together …
… and then, it suddenly started to rain.
Is it depression, is it burn out? It is definitly stress and yes you always take it out on your loved ones, when you have the feeling that you are not appreciated enough, that all you do, all the efforts you take, nothing happens.
There is a saying: no pain, no gain! And now I am being the supportive one. So yes, suddenly it started to rain. Very heavy raindrops, I am sitting outside on the balcony looking at the dark cloudy sky, watching the lightning and listening to the thunderstorm. All those negative thoughts, all those feelings, just letting them go. They are not mine, not my apes. It has nothing to do with me.
Changing my mindset. Oh how I love thunderstorms and lightning and yes when the sea, the ocean is near, it is even more special, has such a magic touch. The air is so clear, so fresh, it smells like new beginnings. WE will work it out together, we will appreciate the time in Mozambique as it brings us only closer. Giving up is not an option.
So lets meditate and get that strength and trust back. As I have it all in me, no one is allowed to take responsibility about MY LIFE.
Β© myGUIDINGLight 2019-11-20