by EDV
My eyes rest calmly on her countenance.
A ring, she lowers her sight, lifts the corners of her mouth and laughter resounds.
A laughter that is simply enough.
Melodious enough to compete with a canary’s song,
mellow enough to thaw frost-bitten snowdrops, dragging forth the spring tide,
celestial enough to breathe new life into a corroding carcass.
She meets my gaze. My sun, his moon, their shooting star.
A friend, so near, yet so far. A masterpiece, radiating love that binds.
Standing in the shimmer of her constellation’s glow, ivy green as envy creeps up my legs, over my arms and clutches my heart.
I gasp for air, while the thorns bore themselves into my flesh. Oh, the self-loathing.
The leaves begin to sigh malignant phrases into my ears, they drip with covetousness and bitterness, as the ivy takes roots and slowly sucks every drop out of my core.
She’s firmament’s finest, destined to break free of the heavenly vault and merge with the ether.
What a creature, what a creation. If you are adored by so many, a beautiful story can do nothing but unfold.
And she soars on wings, free and high, I’m left below, a captive of the wraith haunting the corners of my mind.
I’m lost in a trance, only awoken by the phantom possessing the ivy.
I tremble. It wants me to grab a mace and smash this angel to dust. Will I obey?
Oh, how the glacier water running through her veins would erupt into the ambient air, ease the embers that scorch my flesh.
No, I can resist. I’ll navigate my envy, find the end of this maze, aim for our shared embrace.
Lastly, I will hold on to my grace.
© EDV 2024-05-19