Angelic (Pt.1)

Z Surakji

by Z Surakji

The Heavens

The union of beauty, long life, and mystery led them to be revered as gods or celestial beings. Some saw them as messengers of heavens above, whereas others thought they were angels residing by humanity to keep them safe. Talks of them bubbled up rumors, rumors whispered into fables, fables sprung forwards legends, and legends aged into myths. 

One tale, however, serves as the faintest and only trail to their existence.

Amari was among the fairest of all these beings to exist. Even by their standards, she was known for her unmatched beauty. In every way, she was exceptional. It is said that her radiant face made sunsets jealous. Her eyes an olive green that glistened in the light; her hair waves of golden brown flowing over her accented collarbones; her lips rosy, plump and tender. But what truly stole the show was her warm, beaming smile that captivated all who witnessed it. Though these beings did not mate, laying eyes on Amari would be the closest they would ever get to falling in love. 

Every few centuries and millennia, the dwellers of the clouds would create children to call their own. Unlike humans, they would make their offspring by harvesting flames from the sun, pour collected rain water on it, and then deeply inhale the steam. Their bodies begin to glow steadily brighter until the child forms from the light exuded from their chests and arms. 

When Amari felt that she was ready, she commenced the ritual for herself. She bottled up the brightest flame that flickered and drenched it with downpour from the storms. She breathed her child-to-be in, and then remained patient. 

Over time, she began to glow brighter, as expected. Yet, her light was different as compared to her fellow celestials. Normally, the light would be stable, constantly increasing in brightness until it climaxes in a spectacle of lights that announce the arrival of the new soul. This case, however, was rather peculiar. Though her skin glowed, it didn’t maintain it. There would be fades in the intensity of the light, and it would flash and strobe. She would look glowing one day, but disilluminated the next. She feared for herself, but worried more about the unborn life fading in and out of existence within her. Such a case was unheard of within her people, and no one was certain how to handle it.

Nonetheless, Amari powered through.

Nonetheless, the light within her shone true.

After countless sleepless nights, and what seemed to be forever, Amari felt her child about to arrive. Her skin began to burn up: an effect of being born of the sun. And, just like the rainstorm she collected, her child thundered out from within, followed by sparks and cackling lights. The birth was announced with a roaring boom, one completely unheard of. The cloud-dwellers rushed to the commotion, baffled by the flashes and noises coming from within Amari’s house. Their anxious wait was broken when Amari slowly stepped out. In her arms, cradled was a little baby boy with shimmering silver hair, and glowing white eyes.


© Z Surakji 2023-07-22

Novels & Stories, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Abenteuerlich, Emotional, Komisch, Inspirierend, Reflektierend