by Gitanjali
We had been separated for two long years, connected only by short phone calls and the odd letter now and then. But now, finally, I was bound to meet him again. Needless to say, I was nervous and excited and terribly insecure. The more so as I had never traveled by plane before and at first the idea of travelling in the air was a bit overwhelming. Just the same, I had asked for a window seat and never tired of looking out into apparent infinity. Behind the glass, the clouds were as white and looked as soft as cotton. It was like an invitation to sleep, they almost seemed like soft cuddly pillows.
Some people were nervous as the plane had been delayed due to technical failure before leaving; we had had to wait at the gate for more than two hours. And even now, in the short time we had been in the air, there was a constant restlessness all around. The “fasten seatbelts” sign was still on. Suddenly there was a movement, and we heard the captain’s voice over loudspeaker: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are currently crossing through a zone of turbulence, please remain calm, there is no need to worry.” Some people looked at each other, of course they we were worried nonetheless. Fear was clearly visible in some of their faces. Oh and the flight sure got bumpy! Yet I kept looking out of the window. No reason to think of the worst, I told myself, it would be like attracting bad things, and I really wanted this flight to be a pleasant experience!
The plane rattled and shook and it was quite a wild ride but eventually – I suppose it was only minutes but they seemed far longer! – the turbulence ceased, I leaned back in my seat and got lost in my thoughts. With a smile on my face, I saw Ismael’s eyes that looked at me in their slightly mocking way; his mustache and his lips did not leave my mind. I was going to meet the love of my life, after such a long time of being separated, and although I was restricted to my seat, my body, my thoughts and my heart were jumping with joy. After two years, I finally got what I had wanted the most, Ismael and I would finally be together again. My heart filled with excitement and happiness. And for all the joy this flight gave me, I could not wait for it to end, to see my loved one, to hear his soft voice speaking, to hug him, cling to him, never let him go.
Then again the voice of the captain came through the loudspeakers:: „Ladies and gentlemen, we are now on our approach to Miami.“
Just a few more minutes, and I would be running into his arms, I could not wait to hug and kiss him.
© Gitanjali 2021-03-19