by Philo
Today I discovered a new word, “Atelphobia”. You can take a guess at what it means.
Atelphobia is the fear of not being good or even perfect enough and I think that pretty much summons up how a lot of people feel. Which is understandable looking at the society we live in these days.Basically, everything needs to be perfect. Work, school grades, clothing, hair, personality…
In my opinion, that is a weird habit of humans’, to detest imperfections. In the end, no one is perfect, but we still fear not being enough.It’s something most of us pick up at a very young age. My mom used to say that pressure doesn’t take a break and that is the most honest and truthful thing I probably ever heard.
Even though my mom tries hard to offer us the best life we can possibly have, she can’t change society. Society has its habits that you can not change overnight, but maybe one day we will live in an accepting, open-minded and peaceful society, but for now, we just have to keep learning and continue believing in ourselves and others.
I know for sure we can do it.
© Philo 2022-03-07