I was reading a forbidden legend in the common center of a unique school, ‘The Witches Academy,’ which was connected to a dorm and my school. The first floor was filled with dorms instead of classrooms. As I read, a guy mocked me. When I looked up, I saw it was my childhood friend. I told him to shut it and get out. After he left, I felt a strange sensation, and the common room transformed into a dorm room where I lived with my roommate. We possessed powers, able to cast spells with concentration and rhymes. Across from us lived a married couple, with the woman being a top witch and the husband seemingly unaware of her true nature. I noticed a mysterious door with voices coming from inside, including a girl crying for help. As the evil principal, who was also the school’s head, approached the door, I hid to observe. I realized she was up to something sinister and texted my roommate to join me.
Together, we watched her open the door, which was protected by a magnetic field. Inside, we found her daughter, Bailey, who had been turned into an inanimate object that could barely breathe and whisper. The principal had tortured her own child, who possessed extreme powers. I saw the human form of Bailey as she transformed into her real body for a few seconds before her torturer turned her back. The girl had dirty blonde, almost-brunette-shoulder-length straight hair. Her clothes were dirty and ripped, her room was more like the quarter of a prison cell and her eyes….. she didn’t have eyes. Poor girl! I thought. Her mother was monstrous. Determined to act, I gathered more information and then confronted the principal, who claimed Bailey was dangerous and deserved to suffer. I knew she was lying and decided to inform Bailey’s father, who was oblivious to his wife’s true nature and their daughters’ powers. I told him about the Witches Academy and his wife’s evil deeds, and he was shocked. Yeah, who would’ve thought?
Together, we rushed to find Bailey, who was trapped in a balloon-like prison. We managed to free her, but not before she was returned to her cell. My roommate created a metal key using a three-dimensional printer, and we finally freed Bailey from her prison. I examined the condition Bailey was in. She looked terrible. As I described before, her hair was a straight blonde brunette mixed to shoulder-length, only the white of her eyes was left, and her clothes were ripped, covered in mud, blood, and dirt. She was trying to say something, but she was weak. Then my roommate and the only woman I could trust came rushing to me and Bailey. It worked. The key opened the door, which was made of a metallic pipe. As my best friend was walking away from the door and to the hallway, a piece of the key broke, but it wasn’t important. As we broke her free, the woman I trusted most was telling me something, something crucial, something critical. Before I could make up the words, I woke up…
© Sule Ersozoglu 2024-09-01