Be brave enough to BE.

Cristina Macarie

by Cristina Macarie


When I started to question all that and got my first answers… They called it—burned out! 

Why… because a psychologist looked at my resumĂ©, at my life’s ups and downs, and like every active human being, I had a lot of those, and he said-you have a resumĂ© of a 60-year-old woman. 

Based on my life “downs”, he gave a diagnosis. 

I left mentally believing him, but internally, my whole system said-NO WAY! 

But yeah… my people pleaser syndrome and my “everyone is right, you are just weird” syndrome said….he is right. 

I have started to google and read literally hundreds of books about that, about purpose, about healing, about following the system, about sooo many answers I needed. 

It was such a crazy journey! I met so many people on the way, and it feels like I have just finished the most important university I could ever go into. 

AND YEAH… I found my purpose. 

It was not my job. 

It was not in relationships with the surrounding ones. 

It was not in my THINK BIG GOALS.

It was also not in being who I thought I should be or in the place I thought I should live or move to. 

I’ve got divorced.

I dropped every society mask I wore.

And became who I really am.

And my purpose became life itself. I am literally in love with every moment. And even in the “down” ones.:))

I guess the biggest brave action is to live your own thing and to follow it, no matter what.

My purpose is not your purpose. And your purpose is also not someone else’s. This is my journey and not a self-help book , so just read it out of a place of understanding that you are where you are supposed to be, you are WHO you are supposed to be, and you are more than enough. 

Welcome to your re-membering of who you already are.

© Cristina Macarie 2024-03-10

Self-help & Life support