Be your own Chef


by Krimpi


Life is like a secret recipe

How it will taste, no one can foresee

But you can add some of the ingredients

The taste will change with great obedience

Some like it sweet, some like it hot

Add what you like, there is no ‘do not

With every variation you try a new experience comes with it

And this makes your wisdom grow to your benefit

While experience tells the past as it was, some time long gone

Wisdom is for the future, sorting out what in the past went wrong

But don’t mistake wisdom as a genie in a bottle guiding you

It does not really tell you what you have to do

It never promises you an epic lottery win

So, wisdom tells you not what you have to put in

Wisdom rather advises you what to leave out

And it always leaves you the option to try new things, no doubt

© Krimpi 2023-02-27
