Big Betsy

Lenja Schmidt

by Lenja Schmidt


The Waves were about high enough to be touching the murky and gloomy clouds above. The relentless wind whipped through the waves, causing them to crash against each other with a thunderous roar. The turbulent waters churned and frothed, creating a treacherous and unpredictable environment for any vessel brave enough to navigate through. The dark, ominous sky added to the sense of danger with lightning strikes illuminating the world for brief seconds before it was swallowed by darkness again.

„Captain Lacey! There’s an Island ahead. We have to sail to its shore to find shelter“ One of the Crew members yelled, just barely loud enough to be heard over the deafening sounds surrounding them. The Captain only nodded in response, turning the large steering wheel with one arm as she tried her best to keep control over their ship while the powers of nature tried to force them into another direction, further into the infinite Ocean ahead of them. It was difficult to navigate around rocks and reefs. There was only so much time they had to get to shore safely otherwise the Sea Monsters would get them.

 â€žLace! Come on, Dinner is ready“ Lacey looked back at her Mother who was holding up two steaming plates of food. The Scene was fading, The big dark clouds dissolved into thin air, leaving the Sky clear and blue. The Weathered clothing she was wearing just a few seconds before turned into her favorite green dress

„I can’t Mom! We need to get big Betsy to shore safely otherwise it’s our doom!“ The little girl called in return. Her hands were gripping tightly at the old steering wheel of their car that her mom had kept for her to play with. „Big Betsy? That’s the name of our ship?“ Atlas asked with a laugh. Lacey let out a sigh before shrugging her shoulders „Do you have a better name suggestion? Big Betsy was the first thing that I could think of. I think it sounds very cool…“ This only made the boy laugh harder as he tried his best to keep himself together.

„Honey come on, Your food is getting cold“ Lacey’s mom called out once again, making both Atlas and Lacey turn their heads in synchronization. „Do you think your Mom will let me eat dinner with you? I think my Dad is making Broccoli for dinner today and I really don’t want to eat that.“ Now it was Lacey’s turn to giggle at what her friend said „Broccoli isn’t even that bad! You just don’t like it because it’s green.“ Lacey took Atlas’ hand and pulled him behind her towards the porch where her mother had set up Dinner for them.

„Is that plate for Atlas?“ Lacey asked with a smile on her face, pointing across the table while sitting down in her usual spot, the little bench that she had fallen asleep on countless times. Instead of getting an answer, however, her mother looked at her in concern, staying silent for a while. „Honey we discussed this earlier. Remember?“ She had this tone in her voice that made Lacey nervous. The “something is wrong” tone. She took a deep breath and then gave her daughter a little smile „Nevermind“

© Lenja Schmidt 2023-07-16

Novels & Stories
Unbeschwert, Traurig, Dark, Adventurous