Bird of Paradise (in the memory of Lamar)

Nirouz Boubou

by Nirouz Boubou


Leukemia… she has not heard this word before, and now she also does not understand anything about it, except that it is a name for a disease that she was diagnosed with after chronic symptoms and a permanent high fever of unknown cause, with muscle pain and severe migraine pains in the head.

As a thirteen-year-old girl, she did not know anything about her illness except What her beloved mother told her immediately after her diagnosis: Do not worry, my little girl, the disease is treatable; and everything will be fine. She was sure of that, as she trusted her mother and sanctified her words, and thus began her journey with chemotherapy, and her body’s response to the treatment was good, but chemotherapy itself was not an easy thing… Rather it was painful with all the side effects associated with it…

In fact, she did not know how to fully deal with this shocking news for a girl of her age, as it was more than she could bear. The waves purified her dreams or erased them. Her dreams were like the rocks of the beach that those waves hit tirelessly, but they remained steadfast in the firmness of her strong fighting spirit. It was so difficult for a teenager like her to see her hair fall out as a result of the treatment, her beautiful face pale, and her young body suffering from fatigue… But all this was not important, as she was sure that God would save her from that torment, and that beautiful days would inevitably come… She had begun drawing plans for post-cancer, plans for recovery, so to speak. She dreamed of closing this chapter of the book and starting a new book filled with words about a better life away from this malignant disease, and perhaps her children would see it in the future, who knows. But life was shorter than she imagined, because she had a collapse, So God had written for her a life more beautiful than what she dreamed of, and the new chapter was written for her by fate, not by her hand… Her endless ambition took her to heaven.

© Nirouz Boubou 2023-08-15

Novels & Stories