Blooming trees

Adriana Csik

by Adriana Csik


Thoughts on my 24th Birthday

Today I woke up to my 24th Birthday. And all I can think is that it’s surreal how time seems to slip through my fingers, without me even noticing. On the outside, not much has changed as I look in the mirror and still resemble my carefree 17-year-old self. And yet, on the inside, I miss the ability to lose track of time. I long for the days I used to run through the fields with the sun illuminating my face without a worry in mind, or how I would spend the whole afternoon curled up in a cozy chair, with a hot cup of tea and a book that transported me to yet another fantastical world. I remember how it felt to have endless possibilities stretching out before me like a ribbon, and how I felt invincible, as though nothing could stop me. Now, I have bills to pay, responsibilities to shoulder and deadlines to meet at work. Somewhere along the way it feels like I have traded the days of carefree innocence for the challenges and complexities of adulthood. More often than not I find myself at a crossroads, facing difficult decisions with no clear path forward. It’s a daunting realization that I alone am responsible for navigating treacherous waters, as no one else can do it for me. I still cry to my Mom after a terrible day, seeking comfort and reassurance, just like I did in my childhood. But now, it is often me who offers my parents a shoulder to lean on, recognizing that they are not invincible either. I have learned some hard lessons that come with adulthood – that nothing is certain, that people come and go, and that heartbreak is inevitable. I have also learned that time allocation is a matter of priorities. So whenever I need to unwind or recharge, I take the time for the things that fill me with joy and satisfaction to come away feeling inspired and refreshed.

I used to think that I would have my life figured out in my twenties. Now, I think that no one has. And maybe that’s how it should be. In all humility I accept the fact that life is unpredictable and full of surprises. While acknowledging that we may have certain expectations of how our lives should turn out, in reality, no one truly knows what the future holds. Growing up is a constant and ongoing journey of self-discovery, of learning and evolving throughout our lives. All we need is a good portion of openness and curiosity towards new experiences, and a willingness to embrace the unknown, and we’ll have a perspective of life that is grounded in a deep appreciation for the journey. 

© Adriana Csik 2023-08-08

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Reflektierend