The rush she felt was nothing like a wrong tick on her nervous system. It was a measurable feeling that she conciously developed and brought to her dream. After all, what’s the point of love, if she doesn’t let herself falling. That means, scrolling and rescrolling all the messages that Budi sent her, a lot of it consists of cultural question like why kolsch glass is super tiny and his further concern in people forgetting how many glasses do they take under the alcohol influence. Sarah laughed at it wholeheartedly and use the opportunity to ask him to hang out for a drink. He politely asked if his Boyfriend going to join them, but after carefully calculating how much of a slut she’s giving if she asked him on a date, she then changed the plan to a group hangout in Brüsseler Platz.
„You don’t drink?“ The high pitch on Sarah’s voice can’t conceal her wonder and embrassement for not knowing that before they came. „At all?“ She was sure that some Muslim that she knew from highschool still drink a cup or two. „Like never?“
He sipped his Spetzi quickly before he explained carefully how he used to drink for fun, but his decision to choose practicing Islam better lead him to be sober for three years and counting. His voice weaved it’s way on the air and invites Sarah’s friend to stop what they were doing and listened. Once it all starts going preachy, he shifted his tone and tried to find a joke hidden somewhere. He tries hard to spread the questions that was given to him, to everyone else around. But nobody in her circle has travel as much as him, No one knew his kind of music, but his stories brings summer to the early spring, and she knows everyone feels exactly like that.
His tone was playful and somewhat sexy when he insisted to walk her from the station to her house. Being a fool in love, she abandons her bike while praying hard to the God that Budi has that He will take care of it until sunrise.
„I wanted to take a bus, but do you mind if we walk? I need to lose all the calories from before.“ She lied for the first sentence, but not for the latter. Her boyfriend has been so concern about her health, since the last Klausurphase, when she chugged two packs of oreo everyday until exam day.
„I mean i don’t know about the calories stuff, but i like spending time with you. You are really the nicest person since i landed in this country.“
Her stomach churns rapidly, she knows it’s supposed to be butterflies in her stomach, but hearing a compliment from someone so genuine it hurts. It brought all the feelings of wanting to get praised more from her boyfriend, her best friend, her Mom. It’s not even compliments that she wishes, it’s just an acceptance of being a nice helpful person is something that ist worth doing.
© Azmi Hoffmann 2024-08-31