Car Drives and Love Songs

Abbas A

by Abbas A


My whispers echoed

Through the songs I played you

I asked “should I change the song?”

You said, put the songs you love.

And I did and as we listened we blended into something more – Into something quite enigmatic to me.

Drive around

Continue, don’t stop

Drive around the streets of my heart

Do it as if you know them better than i do

I no longer fear the night

I could die in her when I’m with you

See those lights in the distance

Far away from the city that gave birth to us

No those aren’t stars

No that’s not the sunset

Tonight the lights we see

Are all my love confessions

Come along at two o’clock, Meet me once again

Maybe then with you, I could revive myself again

I’ll show you all the stars on this sky

Then we will be free

For in them I locked my heart to be kept so safe

Until the moment you were next to me

And when you are

There are no lights on the sky

There is only one star – sitting right beside me,

See my love these poems are for you

See my love these songs are too

Tell me about my heart, you know it better than i do

Do it, let’s be happy, until the night is through.

© Abbas A 2023-07-28

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