Caribbean feeling


by Diamantenlicht


A golden ticket to a world full of colours and the ocean just one step away. It smells like a big adventure. Vienna – London – Montego Bay. The letters seem to sparkle. My soul knew somehow, sometime in my life I will explore caribbean feeling. It was around christmas, my dream came true. Through the loudspeaker sound a voice: “Fasten your seatbelts”.

Being over the clouds of our beautiful planet, my heart is full of curiosity, courage and frankness for my special journey. The height covers me in a soft balloon of security and love. I will see Europe again, when goose flowers and warm temperatures cover the spirit of early summer.

As soon as I landed, I could not wait to inhale Caribbean air, so filled with a hot and steamy breeze from the ocean. From one moment to the other, my feet grounded deeply in a complete different culture.

With my white skin I am diverse and attract attention. It took me few days to adjust while I was introduced into my new job as an ambassador in Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort.

Flashed from this beautiful place, I discovered all levels of this stunning 5 stars resort. I was used to working in many hotels worldwide, but this was overwhelming. Breakfast with all you desire, on a terrace with few to the turquoise ocean, plus a white sandy beach. The beauty, the endless view out of the ocean, the gigantic crabs crossing my feet, made me so much more chilled like many Jamaicans, wide opened and full of strength from mother earth.

We – our team from Brazil, Germany, France, Russia, Japan… – organised excursions to different spots on the island for our guests, translated whenever it was needed to english, spanish, french etc., – it was music in my ears – we went to dinner parties and communicated with guests, some of them became friends. We helped at diving classes, went up to the Blue mountains to see how the famous coffee is made, from the seed to the fresh made coffee.

The climate in the mountain is mostly foggy and wet, always a nice variation to the hot weather in Montego Bay. On the way there, we often drove through big bamboo avenues. I was so impressed by the clattering sound of the huge bamboos.

Streets in Jamaica where an adventure itself. The driving speed was often like a rally cross. While overtaking others on the street, I often closed my eyes and crossed fingers.

Funnily after a while I relaxed completely and got used to this new style of moving forward and could soothe my new friends. We went to typical traditional Jamaican markets. Bargain desired. Often I helped our guest to make the best prices. Western hors riding at the sea and bathing in the Dunn´river waterfall became my favourite excursions with my guests.

My speed adapted to the Jamaicans, slowly and relaxed, while waiting somewhere in the shadow of the heat.

Fascinated by the versatility of my job, I learned more and more about this beautiful island. Of course there are big gaps between this luxurious resort and the land behind. My soul discovered both. Light and shadow.

© Diamantenlicht 2022-01-03
