Chapter 1

Julia Busse

by Julia Busse


Imagine a world where no one could get sick, nothing breaks and everyone is living their best day, every day…

As I am riding my skateboard home, I am still thinking about the question my art professor gave us as an end-of-term assignment. “I imagine that it would be pretty fucking awesome!” I think to myself. I just got over a nasty ear infection in the middle of the summer, spending three weeks in bed while everyone else was enjoying the sun at the beach. I stop for a minute to admire the beautiful sunset over the coastline, close my eyes and breathe in the warm summer air. If it stayed like this, life would be perfect. I get back on my board when my phone rings, it’s my mother. “Hi mum, what’s up?” My mother isn’t big on small talk and cuts right to the chase, “What time will you be home tomorrow? Your father is expecting cake!” I chuckle, it’s my birthday, but my dad thinks, no matter whose birthday it is, he wants cake. He expects it, yet has never baked one in his entire life. 
“I guess like three pm? I have class in the morning, and I’m going to dinner with Leo at seven.” “Sounds good, don’t be late”, she says and hangs up. I pick up my pace again and enjoy the breeze in my face as I skate on the newly paved road. Oh, how wonderful life can be…

I wake up to the sun shining in my face the next morning and check my phone: 7:45. Excellent. I can turn around for 15 more minutes until my alarm goes off. Even though it’s officially my birthday, my favourite day of the year, I enjoy closing my eyes again more than getting up early. I’ve actually fallen back asleep when my alarm rings just fifteen minutes later. Startled by the irritating sound, I roll out of bed, turn on some music, make myself a cup of coffee, and check my phone. I quickly reply to my parents, the others will have to wait. Indecisively, I browse the fridge before remembering the banana bread I made the other day. I grab the last piece, glance at the time, and realise that I have to hurry. Rushing through my small flat into the bathroom, I trip over my skateboard and land face down, looking right into the face of my tortoise that probably pushed it there. After getting back up, I take her outside into her enclosure.

In a hurry, I get ready quickly, grab the last bite of the banana bread, my skateboard, and off I go. It’s a beautiful morning, and the journey to university isn’t too long. I draw flowers in my notebook while my professor drones on about a project we will do next semester. We’ve been hearing about it for months, so I tune out and think about my trip to Brighton in three weeks. I’m looking forward to collecting rocks on the beach and renting a bicycle to ride along the coastline, read by the pier, and eat… “LILA” I look up, right into my professor’s face, “Class is over, wake up and enjoy your weekend”.

It’s a week before exams, and since I study art, half of them are either essays or art projects I’ve been working on all semester. I’m done with my oral presentations and only have one more exam left next week. I grab my stuff and basically skip out of class, excited to finally be done and ready to enjoy the summer. The hallway is empty, many classes are already over for the term. I take the opportunity to skate through the smooth corridors of my university. 

© Julia Busse 2024-09-20

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Lighthearted, Sad, Funny, Hopeful