Chapter 2

Sophie Rother

by Sophie Rother


The empty feeling is back again.

It never went away.

When is it going to go away?

The thoughts in some ones head are often influenced by the outside world. Your mindset is formed by the rules of society and the way you grew up.

Childhood trauma

You can’t really influence it even though you probably tried as a child. As a child you think if you behave better, write better grades and meet the expectations that your parents have, they are going to love you more, they are going to stop fighting, they are going to love each other again, and you can live your childhood to the fullest.

But it isn’t that easy. Love is complicated just like the human mind.

Trauma forms you for your future life. The thoughts you overthink were already in your head since childhood. The need to be perfect was already there. The need to succeed.

If you grew up poor you often feel the need to do better. To give your future family a better life than you had. That is where the need for money, success and being the best plays takes a part. Because how can you make a lot of money without being successful? And how can you be successful if you aren’t perfect? 

Your thoughts and needs are like domino prices. If one falls the others are going to react to the fall.

And it starts to get more and more.

I need more in my life.

It’s hard to appreciate what you have when others have more.

More money. More fame. More love.

More success.

© Sophie Rother 2023-07-16

Self-help & Life support
Emotional, Inspirierend, Reflektierend